Developing a Sustainable centre:mk | The Future

Developing A Sustainable Centre Mk | The Future Banner

Looking to the future - there are many projects underway here at centre:mk to drive forward our commitment to sustainability.


“Our environment is no one’s property to destroy; it’s everyone’s responsibility to protect”. – Mohith Agadi

As of today, we are committed to the following wherever it is possible: 

  • Utilise existing structures and embodied carbon elements.
  • Refurbish and extend rather than rebuild.
  • Avoid excessive material miles when sourcing materials.
  • Utilise local responsible contractors and suppliers that resource and employ from within the region.
  • Continue to increase insulation to improve levels in line with modern day building regulations.
  • Use our Building Management System to control the building and the equipment, as well as preprogramme operational activities, to ensure all systems run only when required.
  • Continue trialling renewable energy sources to drive energy efficiencies.
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